Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Justice; Mediatory Role of Job Satisfaction and Knowledge Sharing
The current investigation emphasizes the association among views of justice (across all three dimensions) and organizational citizenship behavior, as well as any potential mediating impact of job satisfaction and knowledge sharing. This investigation looks at the three aspects of justice perceptions. Data were obtained from 304 workers in Karachi's service industry utilizing cross-sectional surveys and quantitative techniques. Smart Pls 3 was applied for examining the data, and the results indicated that the relationship between the sense of justice and citizenship behavior is mediated by job satisfaction, but that knowledge sharing does not mediate within them. The research demonstrates that OJ and OCB have a substantial and favorable association and that OCB is profoundly affected by each justice in organizations and job satisfaction. On the other hand, the examination has constraints mainly because it only explores the impact of two mediators on OCB and three organizational justice dimensions. Data collection relied on convenience sampling of workers from service-providing firms in Karachi, and the study did not consider the longitudinal effect due to time constraints. Future research can delve deeper into the relationship between these variables by incorporating demographic factors in testing models, examining multiple contributing factors to job satisfaction, and including additional variables in the analysis for a comprehensive understanding of OCB, particularly in the manufacturing industry. Conducting the study in different cities and regions in Pakistan can also broaden the view of the population's perceptions of justice and OCB. This study addresses the pressing need to address issues such as organizational justice and how they can be tackled within the vicinity of work.
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