Factors Influencing the Attitude and Behavioral Intention of Auditors for Use of Forensic Accounting Services: A Study on Banking Industry of Pakistan
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Forensic Accounting Services (FAS), Fraud Detection, Perceived Benefits of FAS, Perceived Risks of FAS, Government Pressure, Internal Control Systems, Stakeholder Pressure, Time Budget PressureAbstract
The increase in fraud action against financial reports makes many people uneasy and considering to use Forensic Accounting Services (FAS) to prevent and detect fraud. The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), formulated by Fishbein and Ajzen, is pivotal in elucidating the determinants of specific professional behaviors, especially in sectors where compliance and ethical standards are strictly monitored like auditing. This study aimed to analyze the factors affecting the Behavioral Intention of Auditors to Use Forensic Accounting Services in the Banking Industry of Pakistan with the mediating effect of Attitude of the Auditors in the Banking Industry. This research used the survey method through a questionnaire and primary data, which was obtained from the population of heads of division and internal auditor staff in public and private banks operating in Karachi using the Snowball Sampling Technique. The researcher has used Smart PLS for statistical testing. Results of the study have found that among the variables, i.e., The Perceived Benefits do not affect the Attitudes towards Forensic Accounting Services but it directly affects the behavioral intention, although the Perceived Risk affects the attitude and behavioral intention of the auditors. Additionally, the study also finds that the other factors Government Pressure, Internal Control Systems, Stakeholder Pressure, and Time budget Pressure affect the attitude of auditors towards FAS as well as make the direct relationship with the behavioral Intention to use Forensic Accounting Services. This research, conducted within the banking sector of Pakistan, offers several practical implications for managers and policymakers aiming to enhance the adoption and effective use of forensic accounting services, understanding the dynamics between attitudes towards forensic accounting services and behavioral intentions to use these services.
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