Use of Technology at Night & Job Demands in Bank Managers: Boosting and Explanatory Influence of Personality Traits in Procrastination
The present study sought a correlation of procrastination with the use of technology at night, and job demands by examining the personality traits of bank managers. Five personality traits (extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, agreeableness, and openness to experience) were proposed to moderate procrastination, use of technology at night, and job demands. Bank managers (N = 200) were administered the Procrastination Scale, Big Five Personality Traits, Use of technology at night, and Job demands scale. For data analysis, AMOS software and SPSS version 23. were used. A significant positive correlation between procrastination with the use of technology at night and neuroticism and a negative correlation with job demands, extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience was explored. Extrovert personality negatively moderated the relationship between the use of technology at night and procrastination and positively moderated the relationship between job demands and procrastination. Conscientiousness personality trait negatively moderated the relationship between the use of technology at night and job demands with procrastination. Neuroticism personality traits positively moderated the relationship between the use of technology at night and procrastination and negatively moderated the relationship between job demands and procrastination. Finally, openness to experience had negatively moderated the relationship between the use of technology at night and procrastination among bank managers. The results have implications for the managers in understanding their personality type and its binding with procrastination.
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