Does Relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility, Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Performance Exist in Manufacturing Micro Companies?
Corporate Social Responsibility, Absorptive Capacity, Innovation Performance, Control VariableAbstract
This research is designed to check the Impact of kinds of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on kinds of Absorptive Capacity( AC) and impact of kinds of Absorptive Capacity( AC) on Innovation performance (IP). Data was collecting from 375 employees of manufacturing micro-companies of Pakistan with the help of purposive sampling. Results indicates that there are positive impact of kinds of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on kinds of Absorptive Capacity( AC). Reserch also describes that there are positive impact of kinds of Absorptive Capacity( AC) on Innovation performance (IP). The study also has managerial implications by revealing the contribution of intangible resources to innovation performance. The research also offers different configurations that production managers might choose to use to achieve innovative by using the concept of absorptive capabilities.
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