Effects of Organizational Agility on Organizational Competitiveness with a Mediating Role of Organizational Learning Capabilities


  • Farhan Ahmed Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Samia Saher MS Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Shakeel Aslam Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.




Organizational agility, Organizational Competitiveness, Organizational Learning Capabilities, Dynamic capabilities theory, Contingency theory


Uncertainties embedded in the business environment present opportunities as well as risks, hence it is indispensable for organizations to become agile and streamline with uncertainties. The proposed study investigates the nexus among organizational agility, organizational learning capabilities and organizational competitiveness. The study examines how organizational agility and learning capabilities contribute to organizational competitiveness. The underpinnings of the theory of dynamic capabilities by Teece and the contingency theory by Fiedler bolster the rationale for developing hypotheses in this study. The data is collected from the manufacturing sector targeting the shoe industry. Data is analyzed through the partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) using WarpPLS. The findings of this study highlight the strategic value of organizational agility and learning capabilities to enhance competitiveness in organizations.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, F., Saher, S., & Aslam, M. S. . (2024). Effects of Organizational Agility on Organizational Competitiveness with a Mediating Role of Organizational Learning Capabilities. Research Journal for Societal Issues, 6(2), 439–459. https://doi.org/10.56976/rjsi.v6i2.233


