Perceived Behavioral Control Mediates the Relationship between Personal Characteristics and Psycho-Sociological Factors, and Entrepreneurial Inten-tions
Entrepreneurial Intentions; Personal Characteristics; Psycho-Sociological Factors; Perceived Behavioral Control.Abstract
The entrepreneurial intention with its antecedents is an active area of research. Perceived behavioral control as an antecedent of entrepreneurial intention and a mediator between the relationship of personal characteristics, psycho-sociological factors, and entrepreneurial intentions is proposed in this study. This study is grounded in the theory of reasoned action by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975), the theory of planned behavior by Ajzen (1985), and the Entrepreneurship Event Model by Shapero and Sokol (1982). The data for this study is collected from a sample survey of the students of higher educational institutions to empirically validate the theoretical research model. The analysis establishes that perceived behavioral control mediates the relationship between personal characteristics, psycho-sociological factors, and EIs. The study is useful for policymakers, economists, and educationists.
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