An Analysis of Workplace Attire and Employees Performance by Mediating Role of Organizational Identification and Self Esteem
Workplace Attire (WPA) – Employee Performance (EP)– Organizational Identification (OI) – Self-EsteemAbstract
This research has focused on different parameters for the working environment of the hotel industry. The main objective of this research paper is to analyze the effect of Workplace Attire on employee performance and to determine the mediating effect of Organizational Idethe identification and Self-esteem for Pakistan. The basic criteria are set upon self-esteem and factors. The data sample consists of 200 employees working in the restaurant industry. It showed the impact significantly of Workplace Attire on Employee Performance and the study also proved the mediating effect of Organizational Identification and Self-Esteem on the relationship between Workplace Attire and Employee Performance. The findings provide some important managerial implications for better decision-making in the field of the restaurant industry.
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