A Critical Evaluation of Business Ethics and Management Decisions for Retail Activities in Pakistan
A retail business is basically the business opportunity for retailers in Pakistan, it is said that when analysis is done on buyer’s requirements, that what changed the attitude and purchasing power of market in Pakistan. The competitive market has involved all segments of market in it for increasing interest of retailer to do more. Our local market activities on the basis of retail requires more effort to competitive market and variation in the market. If anybody survives its existence in the competition of businesses for acceleration in the traditional views business and business factors are based on the decision making of individuals that improved value of research. The local market opted the judgement on questionnaire but a question order to identify analysis of business and performance of market in Pakistan but the capital services, labor services and marketing services towards successful efforts for improvement of local market business. The outcome of the current analysis proved that the pattern of ethics having direct relationship with decision-making of management for local activities when data for 2017 to 2022 is analyzed, depending on marketing perspective which is more dominant and influential in Pakistan by taking facts from Lahore and Faisalabad. To understand the human nature of Business ethics and management decision, it is very important to note that the important elements of achieving retail business is showing different results for this study.
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