An Analysis of Economic Development and Human Development Index as Economic and Social behavior: A Case Study of Pakistan
Human Development Index, Economic Development, Human BehaviorAbstract
This research covers the analysis of economic development as relationship to human development. As we know that there are some core issues related to behavioral, social and cultural bases discussed in this piece of work. Some important theoretical base is highlighted for clarity and alleviation of poverty, promotion of education to deal with positive or negative social and human behavior. It is certain meaningful base for the linkage of working, social and behavioral connection. The safety is considered as main base on the criteria of socialization. The main objective of this research is to trace the reasons of negative social behavior. Economic growth can be a better way to lead economic development and social development. A list of basic parameters is available that may encourage social expansion, including human advancement. The Human Development Index (HDI) value reflects the level of advancement of human standard in a nation. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of a nation is used to calculate its growth rate. The value of HDI, which can affect the level of economic growth in the value of its GDP, illustrates the influence of human capital resources. In order to measure Pakistan's economic growth in terms of GDP per capita, this study looks at the impact of HDI from 1990 to 2022 with other variables including capital formation, exports and imports of goods and services are included in this study.
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