Exploring the Dynamics of Employee Performance: A Study on Creativity, Leadership, and Stressors in Karachi's Textile Industry
This study aims to examine the factors affecting employee performance in textile mills across Karachi, Pakistan. Employing a quantitative, cross-sectional approach, the study used convenience sampling to collect data from employees across various textile mills. Data collection was facilitated using published scales from different researchers and conducted via Google Forms. Analysis was performed using SPSS version 17. The study identified that creativity, challenge stressors, hindrance stressors, transformational leadership, organizational innovation, and career development significantly influence employee performance. Creativity and career development emerged as the most influential factors, significantly enhancing employee performance, followed by organizational innovation, challenge stressors, and transformational leadership. Hindrance stressors, while negatively impacting performance, showed a less significant effect than expected. These findings provide valuable insights for managers in the textile industry and other sectors. By fostering creativity, promoting career development, and implementing transformational leadership and organizational innovation, managers can enhance employee and organizational performance. Additionally, recognizing and mitigating the impact of hindrance stressors is crucial for maintaining a productive work environment. This study contributes unique insights into the dynamics of employee performance within the context of Karachi's textile industry, a sector that has not been extensively explored in existing literature. It offers a comprehensive understanding of various factors that influence employee performance in this specific industrial setting, adding valuable knowledge to the field of organizational behavior and management. If employees of an organization perform well, the organization performs well. If the organization of a country performs well, the country performs well.
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