Sustainability in the Banking Sector Pakistan; Leader’s Role and Green Employee Engagement
Green Leader Emotional Intelligence, Green Employee Behavior, Green Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Green Employee Engagement.Abstract
In the contemporary banking sector, green employee engagement has ascended as a critical driver of sustainability, drawing significant attention from business researchers worldwide. This research delves into the influential role of green leader emotional intelligence on green employee engagement, particularly within Karachi's banking milieu. Furthermore, it explores the mediating effects of green employee behavior and green organizational citizenship behavior in this dynamic relationship. Employing a convenience sampling strategy, data were amassed from 387 banking professionals in Karachi, Pakistan, providing a comprehensive insight into the sector's eco-conscious practices. Analytical procedures were conducted using SmartPLS 3.0, ensuring rigorous data interpretation and hypothesis testing. The findings underscore the pivotal role of leaders' emotional intelligence in fostering an environment conducive to green work engagement. Notably, the results reveal that green employee behavior and green organizational citizenship behavior significantly mediate the relationship between green leader emotional intelligence and green work engagement. These mediators bridge the gap, highlighting the importance of individual and collective actions in promoting an eco-friendly work ethos. This study contributes to the burgeoning literature on green human resource management, emphasizing the necessity of emotionally intelligent leadership in catalyzing sustainable employee practices. It advocates for a paradigm shift in leadership strategies, urging the adoption of green initiatives that resonate on an emotional level, thereby enhancing employee engagement and propelling the banking sector toward sustainable horizons.
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