Adoption of 3G/4G Technology in Pakistan: An Eastern Cultural Perspective
This study primarily focuses on enhancing the existing understanding of Pakistani consumers' intentions regarding the adoption of 3G/4G technology through empirical investigation. Furthermore, it attempts to develop a new theoretical framework focusing on factors affecting consumers' adoption intentions. It is designed to explain the barriers consumers face while adopting 3G/4G technology in an eastern culture like Pakistan. Although previous research has already explored similar topics and conducted studies in the same field. in the Western context but, Pakistani 3G/4G market needs more investigation to understand consumers' adoption behavior. This work acts as foundation for marketing managers to have a comparative comprehension between the Western and Pakistani consumers. Literature indicates Pakistani markets under umbrella of the eastern Culture, so the Western theories may conclude in different consumer behavior due to relatively different socio-economics dynamics. A cross sectional survey was designed and convince sampling was used. The model is tested based on 7-point Likert scale self-administered questionnaire and obtained results of 566 respondents from Pakistani mobile phone users by using AMOS. The conclusion of this study showed that perceived social outcomes, general perceptions, perceived social impacts and perceived barriers contributed positively to the behavioral adoption intention of 3G/4G technology among Pakistani mobile phone users.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Syed Moazzam Ali Rizvi, Muhammad Faheem Safdar, Muhammad Ahsan Ali, Muhammad Zubair Saeed, Mahnoor Zia
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