The Relationship of Idiosyncratic Deals and Creative Self-Efficacy in Contemporary Organizations to Improve Employee Creativity
Idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) are becoming more popular as a way to hire, keep, and motivate employees. For those whose careers depend on their creative abilities, this is extremely important. Using the social cognitive theory's emphasis on the role of creative self-efficacy (CSE) as a mediator, we examined the relationship between the two main types of i-deals (developmental and flexible) and employee creativity. A total of 201 full-time workers from a variety of companies provided us with data to support our hypotheses about the relationship between innovative business deals and professional growth. Our research shows that CSE acts as a mediator between i-deals and creativity. These findings demonstrate the positive impact I-deals have on employee motivation and indicate other applications of I-deals for fostering creative thinking. A novel approach to a business called i-deals is the focus of this research.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Imad-Ud-Din Akbar, Maham Chaudhary, Majid Riaz, Mian Aziz Hussain, Muhammad Nawaz

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