Nexus between the Ethical Leadership and Green Innovation in the Hospitality Industry of Pakistan
Nexus, Ethical Leadership, Green InnovationAbstract
Despite the apparent use for management, the personal values and ethical leadership that employees demonstrate towards innovation and commitment have not been utilized sufficiently to meet corporate environmental goals. An increasing number of firms are using this unified approach to their own green initiatives. Nonetheless, achieving this integration requires a considerable change in viewpoint on the part of the hospitality industry towards ethical issues, as well as a transformation in the unsustainable behaviors that employees of all levels may have developed over decades. So, this research aims to determine the relationship between employee green commitment, green innovation, and ethical leadership in the hospitality and tourism industry. The data was collected from 460 respondents through convenience sampling, a non-probability sampling technique, and analyzed by the SPSS process Macro. The result showed a positive relationship between ethical leadership, green innovation, and green commitment, whereas the mediation of green commitment enhances the effect of ethical leadership and green innovation. The study provides substantial impact for company leaders and managers on how to leverage green innovation to improve environmental performance and gain a competitive edge in their industries. Because stakeholders are increasingly expecting and demanding that businesses "go green" in everything they do, we feel that investing in environmental management is a prudent approach for organizations seeking to improve their consumer reputations.
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