Impact of Green Transformational Leadership on Green Work Engagement with Mediating Role of Green Intrinsic Motivation
Green Transformational Leadership, Green Intrinsic Motivation, Green Work EngagementAbstract
In today's rapidly changing business landscape, the importance of sustainability has obtained exceptional significance. Organizations are increasingly adopting green initiatives that benefit the environment and contribute to long-term success. This study explores the concept of GTL and its impact on GWE among employees. GTL is described by leaders who inspire and motivate employees to engage in sustainable practices. This research proposes a mediation model wherein GIM mediates the relationship between GTL and GWE. While the impact of GTL on sustainability is widely acknowledged, the mechanisms through which it affects GWE remain underexplored. This study addresses this gap by exploring the role of GIM as a mediator. Empirical results support the hypothesized model, demonstrating that GTL is positively associated with GWE and exerts an indirect effect through GIM. The findings underscore the vital role of transformational leaders in fostering a sense of meaning and purpose in green work, leading to higher levels of GWE. Practical implications suggest that organizations should promote green leadership and instill green motivation among employees to achieve sustainable production. Theoretical contributions include the elucidation of GTL's influence on GWE through GIM, advancing understanding in the context of cleaner production. Limitations and future research directions are discussed, emphasizing the need for longitudinal studies, industry-specific validations, and consideration of cultural factors. This research highlights the pivotal role of green transformational leaders in driving environmental sustainability within organizations by motivating employees to engage in eco-friendly behaviors, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding of the dynamics between leadership, motivation, and GWE.
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