Impact of Governance and Strategy Performance on Employer Branding
Employer Branding, Sustainable Enterprise Excellence, Governance, StrategyAbstract
By expanding and integrating the concepts of sustainability and business performance, sustainable enterprise excellence is explained and produced. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Governance and strategy performance on Employer Branding. Electronic questionnaires were distributed to managers of manufacturing companies listed on the stock exchange in Pakistan. While numerous studies had been conducted on employer branding in relation to various factors, a research gap was identified where the relationship between sustainable enterprise excellence (SEE) attributes and employer branding was not much explored in previous studies. Therefore, this study explored the nexus between one of the six constructs of sustainable enterprise excellence and employer branding. Data were collected from employers and managers of textile companies listed on the stock exchange, utilizing self-administered questionnaires distributed among n=500 respondents across different firms within the textile industry. The convenient sampling technique was employed. Following a comprehensive analysis of the data, it was concluded that the study substantiated its hypothesis. The findings indicated that the attribute of sustainable enterprise excellence (Governance and Strategy) has a significant, albeit weak, positive relationship with employer branding.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Madiha Rafaqat, Farhat Azad, Sajjad Ahmad, Kanza Aijaz, Saima Hassan Ikram, Usman Bashir, Muhammad Asad Akram Bhatti, Sana Saeed

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