Antecedents of Purchase Intention: A Study among Female Consumers in the Apparel Sector of Quetta-Pakistan
Purchase intention, Need for Uniqueness, Materialism, Brand Consciousness, Experiential, Social Influence, VanityAbstract
With the emergence of social media, the apparel products market has grown exponentially, where branded and counterfeit products are readily available to consumers. This phenomenon has changed the shopping behavior of consumers, particularly females. Thus, firms are keen to unpack the factors that enhance female consumers' purchase intention towards apparel products. The literature lacks empirical verification of personal and social factors that enhance purchase intention in various contexts, particularly for female consumers. Therefore, this research aims to substantiate the impact of Materialism, the Need for Uniqueness, Experiential, Brand Attachment, and Social Influence on the Purchase Intention of young female consumers in the apparel market with the mediating effect of Vanity. Three hundred self-administered questionnaires regarding apparel products were filled out through a convenience sampling approach from young female consumers (18-35 years) from four higher education institutions in Quetta-Pakistan. Hypotheses were tested through multiple regression and the Hayes process model. Findings show that all predictors significantly affect purchase intention with the mediating effect of Vanity. The need for uniqueness was the most essential factor that explained purchase intention in Quetta's apparel market. Young female consumers weigh more on the need for uniqueness, which leads to materialism, social influence, and experiential and brand attachment as critical factors when interacting with vanity. Marketers need to design a strategy that enhances their Apparel's uniqueness.
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