From Influence to Purchase: Unraveling the Impact of Influencer Credibility, Brand-Involvement and Influencer Professionalism on Perceived Quality and Trust-Driven Purchase intention
This study aims to examine the impact of influencer attributes specifically, influencer credibility, professionalism, brand involvement and content quality on customer perceived quality in the realm of influencer marketing. The study also investigates the role of customer trust in moderating the relationship between perceived quality and purchase intention, offering insights into the mechanisms by which influencers impact consumer behavior. In the digital era, influencer marketing has emerged as a crucial instrument for firms to connect with consumers. Nevertheless, although considerable research has concentrated on the direct impact of influencer marketing on purchase intentions, lack of emphasis has been given on elucidating the intermediary function of customer perceived quality and the moderating impact of customer trust. The deficiency in the literature constrains our comprehension of the mechanisms by which influencer marketing influences customer behavior, especially for perceived quality and ensuing purchase decisions. The study employed a quantitative design, employing survey data gathered from 330 a varied sample of social media users who actively interact with influencer content. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analyzes the interactions among independent variables influencer credibility, professionalism, brand involvement, and content quality, the mediating variable consumer perceived quality, and the dependent variable purchase intention. The influence of customer trust on the relationship between perceived quality and purchase intention is also examined. This study's findings provide significant insights for marketers and brands utilizing influencer marketing methods. By comprehending the essential qualities of influencers that elevate customer perceived quality and how trust can improve these impacts, marketers can more effectively plan and optimize campaigns to increase purchase intention.
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