Unveiling the Power of Influencer Marketing: A Systematic review of Influencer Marketing Antecedents, Outcomes, Theoretical Framework and the Future Research Directions
Examining and understanding the effectiveness, ramifications, and various dimensions of employing influencers as a marketing strategy is the goal of influencer marketing research. It entails examining the part played by influencers in influencing consumer behaviour, brand perception, purchasing decisions, and business advantages. It is well understood that the condition of prior information should be a predictor of the suitable study methodology. Our aim was to get in-depth knowledge about influencer marketing tactics. We undertake an organized search in the Scopus, WOS, and EBSCO database related to influencer marketing, the connected celebrities, E-communications pathways in online buying, the innovative marketing method, and proposed conceptual models. We used the period of 2017 to 2022, we also ensured the review was comprehensive. We intentionally limited our search to English language articles to maintain consistency. Influencer marketing has provided several crucial insights. First off, it has been discovered that influencer marketing initiatives raise brand exposure and recognition. Consumers exposed to influencer content frequently remember and recognise the brand more, increasing visibility and reach. Influencers are also seen as credible and trustworthy, which increases consumer confidence. Consumers regularly see influencer recommendations as genuine, which has a beneficial effect on their decision to make a buy, according to studies. Consumers' selection and purchase of goods or services are significantly influenced by the recommendations of influencers. What is truly distinct about this comprehensive literature study is that it has critically examined diverse research findings for influencer marketing in relation to its strategies utilization outcomes experiences and untapped potentials areas available for extra examination by researchers. By adopting an intricate mapping process robustly woven into data collation activities revealing timely insights unparalleled from existing analyses into pinpoint techniques leveraged widely by practitioners. This review necessarily unearths viable possibilities needed adding value collaboratively & gainfully going forward.
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