Determinants of Perceived Product Quality and its Impact on Distributor’s Performance: The Moderating Role of Brand Likeability
Brand Association, Brand Image, Brand Loyalty, Brand Attachment, Perceived Product Quality, Brand LikeabilityAbstract
This study examines the complex relationship among brand association, image, loyalty, and attachment and perceived product quality. It also examines how brand likeability moderates this relationship. The study investigates these dynamics to determine how consumer-brand interactions affect product quality perceptions. Customers evaluate product quality beyond intrinsic qualities in competitive markets. Brand association, image, loyalty, and attachment form these values. Understudied is brand likeability's moderating role in these correlations. Analyzing consumer-brand interactions on product quality fills this gap. This study uses a quantitative-methods approach. A varied sample of consumers is asked about brand association, image, loyalty, attachment, product quality, and likeability. Analysis of direct and moderated effects uses structural equation modeling (SEM). The study found that brand association, image, loyalty, and attachment significantly impact perceived product quality. Consumers with strong positive associations, a positive brand image, great brand loyalty, and a profound emotional commitment to a brand see its items as higher quality. In particular, brand likeability moderates these relationships. Brand likeability enhances the effects of brand association, image, loyalty, and attachment on product quality. Brand-related characteristics greatly influence customer product quality perceptions when they like a brand. This study provides valuable insights for brand managers and marketers. First, it stresses the necessity of positive brand associations, images, loyalty, and attachment to boost product quality. Second, brand likeability amplifies these brand variables. Brands should provide engaging, realistic, and emotionally appealing experiences to increase likeability. Understanding these relationships can help marketers brand and communicate products, influencing consumer quality perceptions. This study adds to marketing literature by analyzing how brand connection, image, loyalty, and attachment affect product quality. Brand likeability moderates consumer-brand interactions, revealing their complexity. This research helps brands and marketers improve branding and consumer interactions, enhancing product quality and brand success.
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