E-Commerce Adoption: The Moderating Role of Commitment between Purchase Intention and Customer Purchase Behavior
This study aims to explore how factors such as attitude, self-efficacy, subject norms, and perceived usefulness influence consumer purchase intention in the context of online shopping. Additionally, it examines the moderating role of commitment in shaping these relationships. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for businesses looking to enhance their online retail strategies and customer engagement. A quantitative approach was employed, using quantitative surveys and data was collected from 251 internet users. The study found that attitude, self-efficacy, subject norms, and perceived usefulness significantly influence online purchase intention. A positive attitude towards online shopping, higher self-efficacy in using online platforms, favorable subject norms, and perceived usefulness of online shopping platforms were all linked to increased purchase intention. Notably, commitment was observed to have a moderating effect, strengthening the relationship between these factors and purchase intention. High commitment levels enhanced the impact of positive attitudes, self-efficacy, and perceived usefulness on the likelihood of making online purchases. This research contributes to the existing literature by integrating various psychological and social factors under a unified framework to understand online consumer behavior. It highlights the importance of commitment as a moderating factor, offering new insights for online retailers. The findings provide valuable implications for developing targeted marketing strategies and improving online customer experiences, ultimately boosting online sales and customer loyalty.
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