Investigating The Role of Teachers in Identification and Solution of Students Behavioral Problems at Elementary Level
The research study was about ‘Investigating the role of teachers in identification and solution of student’s behavioral problem at elementary level, The research has the following goals. to investigate how primary school instructors can recognize behavioral issues in their children. to investigate the methods educators, employ to evaluate and comprehend the root causes of behavioral issues in primary school students. to determine the difficulties educators, encounter when dealing with children' behavioral issues at the elementary school level. Because data for this study were gathered using a questionnaire, it was quantitative in nature. The questionnaire was designed to collect data regarding teachers' approaches, experiences, and challenges in identifying and addressing behavioral issues in their children. Simple percentage was used to examine the data that was gathered. The results of the study showed that teachers are crucial in promoting good conduct and addressing behavioral problems in their pupils. This study used quantitative research approaches and simple percentage analysis in an effort to provide a comprehensive picture of the teacher's role in behavioral control of primary school kids.
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