Analysis of the Teachers’ Perceptions about the Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching Learning Process. A case of University of Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Information and communication technology is an important field role in teaching and learning. It is a field not limited to the industry and communication only rather it has spread its Importance to every field in the modern world. Similarly teaching is no more limited to the white board teaching only. Teachers use variety of the methods to impart learning to the students. This results in not only catching students attention effectively but also learning has been lot made easier through different application and online tools and virtual platforms. Learning and knowledge has gone beyond the narrow confines of classrooms. Looking into the importance of ICT this study was undertaken in order to find out the teachers perception of the use of ICT in teaching learning process. A sample of 96 male and female teachers was calculated through Raosoft online calculator. The data was analyzed through inferential and descriptive statistics, using Chi-square T-Test, Enova and frequencies, percentage, means and standard deviation respectively. However the teachers showed some concerns over the use of ICT. There was some issues like the lack of ICT labs, connectivity, teachers’ confidence and short duration to finish the courses in.References
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