Impact of Managerial coaching on Innovative Work Behaviors through Affective Supervisory Commitment: Moderating Role of Self-efficacy
Managerial Coaching, Innovative Work Behaviors, Affective Supervisory Commitment, Self-efficacyAbstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the managerial coaching effects on innovative work behaviors. Previous evidence shows the popularity of managerial coaching in organizations and the outcomes. Despite all the popularity, there is still a lot to study and investigate. This study investigates the mediating role of affective supervisory commitment between managerial coaching and innovative work behaviors. Moreover, the moderating role of self-efficacy was also tested between affective supervisory commitment and innovative work behaviors. Social exchange and Leader-member exchange theories were used in this study. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the model fitness and the SEM technique was also used to examine the hypotheses of the study. The study revealed the positive and significant relationship of managerial coaching with affective supervisory commitment and innovative work behaviors. The mediating effect was also found to be positive and significant. Furthermore, the moderating role of self-efficacy was also found to strengthen the relationship between affective supervisory commitment and innovative work behaviors. This study gives complete empirical support to affective supervisory commitment to have a strong effect on organizations and how self-efficacy strengthens employees’ innovative work behaviors.
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