Factors Influencing Research Culture at Public Universities in Pakistan
The study was conducted to explore factors influencing research culture at universities in Pakistan. The present study was delimited to six general public universities in Pakistan. Two universities from each region of Punjab were selected for data collection. PhD faculty members of head of departments were the sample of the study. Interviews for head of departments and faculty members were developed for data collection. Respondents were asked about the factors affecting research culture at universities. The discourses of the respondents explored that institutional support, collaboration and communication, transparency, reward system, diversity and inclusion, national policies and regulations were the major factors that affecting research culture at universities in Pakistan. Findings of the research study explored that institutional support was playing affective role in developing research culture. Institutional support for conducting high quality research involved funding, availability of physical infrastructure, resources, provision of support to young researchers through trainings and workshops, and university policies and managers priorities. Collaboration and communication was an important factor that affects research culture but respondents stated that the situation of collaboration at universities was pathetic. Transparency, credibility and ethical behavior of researchers developed trust that ensured healthy research culture at universities. It was reported that rewards, incentives, appraisal and research grants played a positive role in research production and motivate the researchers to conduct high quality research. Diversity and inclusion had a momentous impact on the research culture at universities. Research teams having different socioeconomic background, experience and mental abilities conduct comprehensive and strong research studies. Policies and regulations about appointment and promotion, smooth funding, developing local and international collaboration, security of intellectual property rights and strict guidelines for research ethics were the major factors that contributed to develop research culture at universities. Results explored that shortage of physical resources, lack of collaboration, unawareness from global trends, funding issues, pressure of publications, institutional bureaucracy, political instability, favoritism and lack of mentorship were major issues that were affecting research culture negatively at universities in Pakistan. Whereas, incentives, expertise of supervisors, conducive work environment, seminars, working in collaboration, autonomy, managerial support, functioning of ORIC, feedback and foreign fellowship were the major factors that were affecting research culture positively at universities in Pakistan.
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