Stereotype Threat Faced by Women at Management Positions in The Academic Sector of Pakistan
The purpose of this paper is to examine the association between stereotype threat and stress level of women occupying managerial positions in academic sector of Pakistan. Furthermore, the study explored the underlying mechanisms through which stereotype threat might translate into negative attitudinal and behavioral reactions. In this research sequential explanatory mixed method approach was opted comprising of two stages. Where first phase is quantitative in nature while the second is qualitative. In the first stage the data were collected from female employees holding the managerial positions in public and private universities of five main cities of Pakistan such as Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, and Karachi by opting convenience sampling. The sample size achieved at the end was 213. The response rate was 53.25%. An interview guide was formed on the basis of quantitative study results. We kept on conducting interviews till saturation was achieved and no additional or further information was generated. So, the final sample size for interviews was n=7. Results showed that stereotype threat was positively related to job stress, and identity separation mediated this relationship. Self-doubt also mediated the relationship between stereotype threat and job stress, while psychological empowerment did not moderate it. Co-worker support moderated the relationship between stereotype threat and self-doubt, and co-worker support also moderated the indirect relationship between stereotype threat and job stress.These findings have theoretical and practical implications for addressing the impact of stereotype threat on job stress and improving the well-being of female employees in managerial positions in academia.
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