Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Commitment
The purpose of the current study is to explore the relationship between organizational commitment and organizational justice in the banking sector of Lahore. Organizational commitment has been found to be a serious problem these days for all organizations. This research concentrated on organizational commitment and organizational justice and its 4 dimensions used as predictors of organizational commitment. The banking sector chose to conduct this current study. Because banking sector is considered one of the extremely stressful sectors in Pakistan and it has a great contribution to the economy. A simple random sampling technique was applied to choose 300 respondents from 28 banks situated in Lahore (Pakistan). 270 fully completed questionnaires were used in the final analysis. Multiple linear regressions were applied through SPSS to test the hypotheses. The result of the current study showed that there was a positive strong impact of organizational justice on organizational commitment. But the relationship of procedural justice, distributive justice, informational justice, and interpersonal justice with organizational commitment gave dynamic results. Procedural justice and distributive justice have an insignificant effect on organizational commitment on the other hand informational justice and interpersonal justice have a significant positive influence on organizational commitment, however, informational justice is found a good predictor of organizational commitment as compared to interpersonal justice.
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