Impact of Perceived Risk on Online Buying Behavior of Females Consumers Residential Status in E-Tailing
E-Retailing, Perceived Risk, Rural and Urban, Female Students, Public and Private Sector UniversitiesAbstract
E-tailing or E-retailing means selling or buying different products or services using electronic means such as mobile, internet, etc. The present paper investigated the impact of perceived risk on the buying behavior of female customers in electronic retailing. Perceived risk included the impact of five variables i.e., low quality of product, non-delivery risk, no return policy; receiving wrong item/product, and products that are expensive/ costly derived from the literature. Data were collected from the sample of 298rural and urban female students of public and private sector universities of KPK Pakistan through a self-developed and standardized questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation. The statistical analysis of the data reflects that all five variables are the most relevant factor affecting the buying behavior of rural and urban female consumers in e-tailing.
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