Emerging Influence of online Reviews on Antecedents and Consequence of Consumer-based Brand Equity in Restaurant Industry of Karachi, Pakistan
This article explores the emerging influence of online reviews on the antecedents and consequences of consumer-based brand equity in the restaurant industry of Pakistan. The main antecedents of consumer-based brand equity considered in the study include brand preference, brand image, and brand attitude. The study uses a quantitative research approach and collects data from a sample of 300 consumers who have visited a restaurant. For the analysis of the data and testing of hypotheses, partial least square structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed as a technique for analyzing the data and testing hypothesis. In the restaurant industry of Karachi, online reviews significantly influence consumer-based brand equity antecedents and consequences. Specifically, online reviews positively affect brand preference, brand attitude, and brand image. The study's findings have important implications for restaurants operating in Pakistan and other similar markets. Enhancing consumer-based brand equity requires restaurants to maintain high levels of brand preference, develop strong brand attitudes, and promote positive brand images. They should also actively monitor and manage online reviews to mitigate negative reviews' potential impact on consumer brand equity and highlighting the need for restaurants to develop and implement effective strategies for managing online reviews to enhance their brand equity and improve customer preferences.
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