Life Skills Integration in English Textbook Grade 5: A Qualitative Content Analysis
Life Skills, English Textbook, Qualitative Content Analysis, Critical ThinkingAbstract
This qualitative study focuses on integrating core life skills in Grade 5 English textbook that was purposively sampled. Applying qualitative content analysis supported by NVivo 14, the study explores how these essential skills are integrated into the textbook. The results show that communication, creativity, and critical thinking are given considerable attention. Such activities include creative writing assignments, reading and comprehension exercises, and dialogues. However, the study reveals some areas not covered extensively in teaching, such as negotiation, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. All 12 skills are introduced, but their integration level is inconsistent. The textbook offers a basis for life skills learning, but there is an opportunity for improvement as it concerns real-life situations. This study adds to the knowledge about integrating life skills in the primary education curriculum and the possible enhancements to the textbook in line with the UNICEF MENA framework.
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