Impact of Stress on the Academic Performance of University Students
Mental Health, Psychological Disorders, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Academic PerformanceAbstract
The study was made to explore the impact of stress on university students’ academic performance. The study was designed as a descriptive quantitative research paradigm. A self-designed Likert scale questionnaire was used for the study. The population of study comprised all university students of district Lahore. 300 students were selected by convenient sampling techniques. Data was analyzed using frequency distribution, t-test, and ANOVA. The findings of the study revealed that the personal-family lives of students were the most influencing factor that caused stress among them, followed by educational, and environmental factors respectively. Gender was found to have an insignificant association with stress. It was recommended that the parents, teachers, and university administrations should remain in good liaison for all-around personality development and to adopt stress observing and coping plans accordingly. Students need to adopt a healthy lifestyle and balance between working and relaxing hours.
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