Mapping the Path to Job Performance: Understanding Occupational Stress among Teachers in Higher Education
Job Performance, Occupational Stress, Teachers, Higher EducationAbstract
Teachers often endure occupational stress, which may impair their job effectiveness. The investigation sought to assess the link between teachers’ occupational stress and work performance in Higher Education Institutions in South Punjab, Pakistan. The descriptive co-relational method was used for collecting data from a sample of (203) participants through online questionnaires, including the Teachers' Occupational Stress Questionnaire (TOSQ) and (IWPQ) the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire. The results of the study suggested a significant connection between occupational stress and teacher job performance. The study recommended that there is need to perform the stress inventories to explore what specifically triggers stress among teachers and provide a holistic approach their well-being to improve work quality in educational institutions This study offers valuable insights shedding light on the factors giving rise to high-stress levels, allowing for the development of effective measures and support systems for teachers in the profession.
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