Impact of Paradoxical leadership and employee proactive work behavior on organizational performance: Mediating role of Organizational learning in Telecom sector of Pakistan
Paradoxical Leadership, Proactive Work Behavior, Organizational Performance ,Organizational LearningAbstract
This study examines the influence of impact of paradoxical leadership & proactive work behavior impact on organizational performance with mediating role of organizational learning in telecom area of Pakistan. Primary data has been collected through structured questionnaire from employees of telecom sector in Pakistan. 190 employees of telecom sector participated to the study. Purposive sampling, which is a form of non-probability sampling approach, was used to collect data. SPSS 17 has been used for statistical calculations. The study concluded that in Pakistan telecom business paradoxical leadership & proactive work behavior have a strong positive influence on organizational performance. The association between paradoxical leadership, proactive work behavior, and performance focused on transformation in Pakistan's telecom sector is also said to be mediated by organizational learning.
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