Unlocking Financial Inclusion: The Effect of Perceived Information Transparency, Financial Attitude and Financial Self-Efficacy
Financial Inclusion, Perceived Information Transparency, Financial Attitude, Financial Self-EfficacyAbstract
The study investigates the connection between financial attitude, perceived information transparency, and financial inclusion. Financial self-efficacy will act as a mediator. The study tries to shed light on these connections so that policymakers, financial institutions, and other interested parties can devise better ways to promote financial inclusion and give everyone the tools they need to fully participate in the financial system. This study employed a quantitative research strategy. The primary tool for collecting data was a self-administered questionnaire sent to people in Faisalabad, Pakistan, using a snowball selection process. The relationships between people's perceptions of information openness, financial mood, confidence in their financial handling abilities, and financial inclusion were examined using structural equation modeling (SEM). The role of financial self-efficacy in these relationships was investigated through a mediation analysis. Financial attitude, perceived information transparency, financial self-efficacy, and financial inclusion are positively correlated. Good financial attitudes and perceived information transparency increased financial self-efficacy and financial inclusion. Also, financial self-efficacy influenced the relationship between perceived information transparency, financial attitude, and financial inclusion.
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