Advertising Effects on Young Minds: Probing into Environmental Awareness, Purchasing Patterns, and Attitudinal Shifts in Children


  • Aaliya Norin Department of Management Sciences, Alhamd Islamic University, Islamabad Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Hira Ishfaq Institute of Management Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Wasim Abbas Shaheen Quaid-i-Azam School of Management Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Zaheer Abbas Institute of Business and Management, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.



Advertising, Young Minds, Environmental Awareness, Purchasing Patterns, Attitudinal Shifts, Children


The research aimed to investigate the impact of advertising on children's attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles. Data was collected using structured questionnaires from a sample size of 250 participants. Analysis revealed a positive relationship between exposure to television ads and various factors such as environmental awareness, purchasing habits, and attitudes among children. Notably, attitude showed the strongest correlation with a Pearson coefficient of 0.092 and a significance level of 0.000, followed closely by buying behavior with a coefficient of 0.091. In contrast, knowledge about the environment exhibited a negligible correlation coefficient of -0.005 but remained statistically significant. The effectiveness of advertising interventions hinges on several factors including viewing habits, socio-economic status, family influences, and children's perceptions. It's crucial for advertisers to align their campaigns with social responsibilities to contribute positively to national economic growth. Advertising holds the potential to serve as a catalyst for socioeconomic progress, but its impact must be carefully managed and directed towards constructive ends. By understanding the complex interplay between advertising and child development, stakeholders can harness its power to foster positive attitudes, behaviors, and societal outcomes.

Author Biographies

Aaliya Norin, Department of Management Sciences, Alhamd Islamic University, Islamabad Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan.

I am PhD Scholar, doing my PhD from Department of Management Sciences, Alhamd Islamic University, Islamabad Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan (45400). 

Hira Ishfaq, Institute of Management Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.

Institute of Management Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan (60800)

Zaheer Abbas, Institute of Business and Management, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

Institute of Business and Management, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan (54890)


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How to Cite

Norin, A. ., Ishfaq, H., Shaheen, W. A., & Abbas, Z. . (2024). Advertising Effects on Young Minds: Probing into Environmental Awareness, Purchasing Patterns, and Attitudinal Shifts in Children. Research Journal for Societal Issues, 6(1), 272–292.


