Unveiling Empowerment: Navigating Historical Roles and Contemporary Challenges for Muslim Women Leaders


  • Bushra Inayat Raja
  • Saba Riaz PhD Scholar, UCL Institute of Education University of London, London, UK.




Women's Leadership, Contemporary Challenges, Political Landscape, Gender Diversity Theological Foundations


Based on the insights gathered from the literature review, this historical study embarks on a multifaceted exploration with several pivotal objectives. At its core, it seeks to illuminate the intricate relationship between Islamic teachings, the historical roles of Muslim women in leadership, and their contemporary challenges within the political landscape of Pakistan. Through a thorough examination of these aspects, the research aims to provide valuable insights and actionable recommendations that can shape policy formulation, procedural refinement, and organizational culture. The primary goal is to promote gender diversity and empower Muslim women in leadership roles, particularly in Pakistan. A central objective of this study is to deeply explore Islamic teachings and principles and their implications for women's active participation and contributions to society, especially in leadership positions. By meticulously analyzing relevant literature and historical examples from Islamic history, the research intends to uncover the theological and cultural foundations that historically influenced the status of Muslim women in leadership. Moreover, it seeks to evaluate how these teachings have empowered Muslim women in leadership roles, fostering a nuanced understanding of the interplay between religion and women's leadership.


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How to Cite

Raja, B. I. ., & Riaz, S. (2024). Unveiling Empowerment: Navigating Historical Roles and Contemporary Challenges for Muslim Women Leaders. Research Journal for Societal Issues, 6(1), 117–128. https://doi.org/10.56976/rjsi.v6i1.186


