Relationship of Strategic Plan Implementation, Resource Utilization, and Institutional Effectiveness at Secondary School Level in Punjab, Pakistan
In school education, strategic plan implementation resource utilization performs an important role in the effectiveness of an institution. The efficacy of educational institutions is primarily reflected in academic success. Additionally, resource utilization and strategic plan implementation contribute to institutional effectiveness. This study examined the relationship between strategic plan implementation, resource utilization, and institutional effectiveness in secondary schools of a district in Punjab, Pakistan. It was a quantitative study with a descriptive research design. Secondary school and elementary school teachers were the study's sample, selected through stratified random and convenient sampling techniques. The survey instrument was self-developed, keeping in view the objectives of the study and focusing on a literature review as well as experts in the field. It has 60 items on the Likert scale, with three key aspects: strategic plan implementation, resource utilization, and institutional effectiveness. A total of 574 teachers returned completed and returned the questionnaires with a robust 88% response rate. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used for descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficients to determine relationships between the key variables. Results revealed a significant positive correlation between strategic plan implementation and institutional effectiveness. Additionally, a significant positive association emerged between resource utilization and institutional effectiveness at the secondary school level.
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