A Rhetorical Deconstruction of Amanda Palmer's Poem on the Boston Marathon Bombing; 'Empathy is Nothing'
Terrorism in the United States, particularly highlighted by the infamous 9/11 attacks, continued to be a persistent concern. This study investigated the intricate relationship between terrorism and sporting events and examining the emergence of global-local terrorism, exemplified by the Boston bombers. Methodologically, this research incorporated Amanda Palmer's poem written in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing. Using qualitative analysis, the study examined the rhetorical elements and appeals employed in the poem to convey the emotional toll and complexities faced by individuals in the aftermath of terrorism. Thematic analysis reveals recurring rhetorical strategies, emphasizing the transformative influence of art and the human spirit during difficulty. The researcher employed classical rhetoric to dissect the poem, exploring ethos, pathos, logos, and other rhetorical elements to assess its persuasive and artistic effectiveness. This comprehensive analysis contributes valuable insights into the rhetorical strategies used by artists in addressing societal challenges and highlights the importance of empathy and compassion in artistic expression.
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